…The Reason Why, The Task Seems So Big…

…The Reason Why, The Task Seems So Big…

There's a reason why it seems so big that you can't get the work you need done. 

If you would rather hear the audio for this email then go here …. 


The main thing we do inside Unbreakable Golfers is chunking everything down to its smallest possible part. 

From there you implement that part every single day. 

By implementing daily, the chunks will finally come together over a long enough period and get you where you need to go. 

Example 1, distance, 

If you wanted to walk the route of the London marathon, you could walk one mile a day for 25 days. In theory, you have walked a marathon, (you haven't done it consecutively), but you've put those walking miles in. 

Example 2, effort, 

Running. You run as fast as you can for 20 minutes a day each day, eventually, you'll get a shedload of distance in running over a week, month, or year,  but…

You also have the compound effect of running this way daily, becoming more efficient. 

Run as fast as you can for 20 minutes every single day, in 90 days' time, the amount of output, the amount of work and how efficient you would be in 90 days compared to your day one, the difference would be night and day..

More powerful, and more efficient because you're chunking the work down and increasing, it in tiny increments per day. 

Now that's what we do with the Unbreakable Front 9. 

Every single day, you take an action that builds you to a long-term target. 

The plan is to become a completely different person in 12 months.

You've set targets in mind, body and golf, and then you link these three outcomes together for more potency. 

9 strategic and simple actions done every single day that chunk down based on where you want to go in 12 months, 

formed from where you need to be in 90 days 

Planned from where you have to be in 30 days (to be on target for your 90-day targets) 

9 actions spread across Protection, Power and Performance

Protecting and powering your mind and body with one performance-focused skill.

Tracking this every day to get a score, and to ask the right question.

Did you hit your front 9 today? 

Yes or no? 

What did you hit? 

At the end of the week, you will see what works? 

What didn't? 

What obstacles are in the way?

What do you need to do to overcome those obstacles?

By doing those nine actions every day, then every single week you get a little bit better. 

It's a simple, simple system. 

Where do you want to be in 12 months' time? 

Where would you need to be in 30 to be on track.. 

The Golfmob online program is a free 6-week challenge 

If you follow everything that's in there. 

You will lose weight, 

You will gain more yards, 

You'll lose inches around your belly button, 

You'll feel better, more powerful, with a clearer focus and you will have momentum moving… 

It's here…. There are no excuses. 

So first up a couple of questions. 

Question one. 

Where are you currently trying to get better? But you're unwilling to do the work required. 

Question two. 

If it is in your body, what's stopping starting the FREE 6 WEEK POWER CHALLENGE  


Good Luck 

John Seton 

Tired Justification

Tired Justification

Before we start getting into what we need to implement you should be clear by now that,

The way we think controls our actions.

So if you wake up and you feel tired and start to tell yourself you feel tired, you are going to continue to feel tired.

Taking this deeper, this has been shown before that you can literally say to someone randomly (even if they look fine) “you look tired” and they will find a reason to justify what you said, be it:

“I suppose I haven’t really been sleeping so well’ or “I’m a bit stressed at work” etc…

Their brain will justify it, and they may not even look or feel tired before you said. (Try it)

So, with that in mind,

“your mindset, and what you believe about yourself, will dictate your actions and ultimately your results”

If you’re setting targets,

to be more powerful,

to be stronger,

to be more flexible,

to be a better golfer then you’re actually becoming someone else.

Think about that. You want to lose weight, add muscle be super flexible, add 15 yards to your iron shots, and be much more confident, that person is someone else compared to who you are today.

You can’t become someone else if you don’t have the beliefs that it’s possible.

So your focus determines who you are.

With your targets, it becomes “I’m doing this, this is who I am, this is who I’ve become”.

Otherwise, it’s just false confidence.

So when you start telling yourself that this is impossible for you, you’ve got to change it, you’ve got to take action to change those stories and those beliefs, and even the habits that don’t support you on a day to day basis.

Because the stories in your head are carved in like a groove on an old record.

It’s completely and permanently grooved into your brain it’s no different to a movement and your golf swing.

Let’s say you are someone who sways in the backswing.

Your hips move away from the target, your head moves further away from the ball and we find that it’s a tight trail hip and a lack of range of motion in the upper back.

And, you take the actions to correct those physical limitations and you now have control, we’ve increased the range of motion in your upper back, you’ve now got a good range of motion in your hips and how you can turn, but…

You’ve still got the old movement pattern, carved, grooved and absolutely cemented into your head.

So you might still swing the same.

You need the range of motion first then you train the movement.

It’s no different with the stories that you believe about yourself.

You could change what you say to yourself, but that groove is still in the brain.

So we have to break down the parts of the brain and the stories that believe the negative parts are true, we replace them with evidence to prove that they’re not true and back it up with the evidence of ACTION and RESULTS

We use the belief transformer and base it around your 90-day plan but at the deepest level, you are seeing what you believe as true, as false.

What is the story that is holding back your results, and what action could you take to change your stories and get those results?


John Seton

Good luck.

Strategic Randomness

Strategic Randomness

The third key mindset of unbreakable golfers is:

“Your production can only be as powerful as your plan”.

If like most golfers you do the following:

You do random training,

random exercise,

random golf drills,

random eating habits all based on how you FEEL at the time…

You’ve got no strategic system that covers where you’re going and how to get the results you SAY you want.

Without a plan you’re just doing stuff, your busy but not productive.

You are relying on your habits and behaviours to get you the results you have been unable to achieve before…

But what if your current habits and behaviours have got you to where you are now and will not get you any further or, that the path is too long and too tough with the resources you have today.

You can get to any destination in as many ways as possible, but using the GPS with the right data will give you the best path from where you are now to where you want to go.

You can Google anything, and get any information on what you want but most people are overwhelmed with information, there’s so much information they can’t physically do the one thing they know they need to do and that’s to just move forward.

Layout a plan of where you want to go and what are the four actionable items that you can do over this next week to move you closer to your targets.

We do this all inside Unbreakable golfers it’s all linked up within the fairway 4 system, it shows you exactly how to do it.

You can do random exercises or specific exercises based on your targets.

It’s the same with everything else, you can do random golf drills but if you want to be the most efficient possible.

You want to have the best plan possible that is built for you.


pick a plan,

stick to it.


John Seton

Good luck.

Inevitable Golf

Inevitable Golf

Now that you know that your body is your number one asset.

The second key mindset to start getting serious results is going to seem similar, but it’s not.

If your most powerful weapon on a golf course is your body and your results are based on a dedication to making it more powerful today than it was yesterday then.

What will it take to make you want to get better to the point that you will continue to get up in the morning and get your mind into a place that you are:

focused on getting better every day.

Whether it’s becoming more powerful daily,

becoming more flexible daily,

becoming stronger daily,

becoming more mobile daily,

The point is that you believe you will take the actions needed every single day to be better.

Most people will not think this way but when you do a lot of your habits and behaviours that actually limit you will slowly fade away.

All because you’re trying to improve on yesterday.

And when you start linking to it golf, work, family, the lifestyle you want then you begin to play a different game than the rest of society, as you forget what the world is doing and are addicted to getting better.

That’s why we play the game of golf because it’s really an impossible game.

Whatever your handicap is, you’re trying to get better all the time, this pursuit, this quest to be better is already in you.

You could have the greatest round of your life, and if you followed that round with similar rounds, there’s going to come to a point where that becomes the norm, and that’s no longer the benchmark.

This idea to constantly get better is naturally in us, but golfers especially don’t move this desire to other parts of their focus,

They don’t move it into their body,

They don’t move it into their mindset,

They don’t move it to what they’re doing in work and business,

They don’t move it to their family life.

Most golfers want new clubs, want to try a different ball, want to practice more, want to play more all based on a desire to be better.

If the game was really about just hitting balls we would always hit provisionals whenever we could, but if one goes off the fairway and into possible trouble we say;

“I’ll find that”

We want to be better.

It’s about daily growth and when you start using that mindset, that key principle to help you improve your body and your mind, daily, a whole different world opens up,


because then every 90 days, you set new targets, every 90 days you become more powerful, every 90 days you get closer and what might seem impossible now,

Becomes within reach all because you took this focus to improve your body and your mind daily to improve your golf.

So, this is the way I look at it.

All you need to do is get clear on what you want.

What do you want from your body?

Do you want to be more powerful, do you want to be more flexible, do you want more distance, do you want a lower handicap?

There will be one thing that you physically want more than any other and have so far been unwilling to invest time in it daily to get it.

When you invest that time daily you will get better.


If you want to learn and play a daily game that does all of the above then it starts here


John Seton

Your #1 Asset In Golf

Your #1 Asset In Golf

How to use focus (part 2 in the fairway 4) to change our stories to move us from the pain of weakness and inflexibility, the lack of confidence to a place that makes you more powerful, strong, more confident, with more focus to not give up after a month.

If your body is your number one asset in golf then,

It must be serviced maintained built on daily to become more powerful.

Think of it this way.

If you think your most valuable asset on the golf course is your golf clubs and not your body you are destined to blame the tool and not do the work required to get better.

However, your body dictates:

Your ability to move,

The quality of that movement,

And how you can deliver your new shiny golf club to the ball.

If you've got a limited range of motion on the backswing, and you can get more range of motion from your body, you now don't have to put your body under the same amount of pressure for the same outcome.

If you are doing more than just stretching (which can make you deliver less power in some cases) and doing what you need for yourself, then you have just become more powerful.

If you do this daily, you now can become more than just powerful and most importantly you become more efficient.

Let's say you hit a club, you can pick any club you want, but you hit this particular club 120 yards with a full swing.

But with an increase in range of motion and motor control, you can now hit that same club 130 yards.

Or, hit the same 120 with ease as you have become more efficient.

Your body, being a major asset, and the work on your body is your number one target.

It's your body that gets you out of bed,

your body that drives you to the golf course

which dictates how you play golf,

your body goes with you everywhere.

If you can get it into your head that your body is your number one asset, you will start looking after it.

Be aware that if, something goes wrong in your body,

it affects your golf,

it affects your confidence, and obviously affects your ability to get everything you want.

However, on the other side of doing the work is a body that has

the power,

the strength,

the energy,

the health, all based on how you treat it.

And one reason why you should embrace this really takes it to a deeper level is,

You are the only one that can look after your body because, without it, you can't become who you want to be.

So a question..

Where is the one place in your body on a day to day basis, where you are treating it as though it is the last thing you need to think about and what is the one thing you can do today so that you change that tomorrow?

Remember, your body is your number one asset. So, you know the score.

You've got a plan, you've got the actions to take, grab a pen and paper, write it down, get clear.

If you want to get involved in Unbreakable Golfers, the new shiny link is here.


John Seton